
L'Amandier - The Bistro, R A Puram

Bistros in Chennai have become the latest trend. One of the recent entrants to this scene is L'Amandier - The Bistro. It has been open for a couple of months now and I have been constantly hearing rave reviews. While taking a stroll down the road on a Sunday one would find it jam packed. This...


Foody Call - All Night Home Delivery

Late night snacks, mid-night munchies, Hungry Kya??  No food in your refrigerator? No worries. Now there is "Foody Call." Of late Chennai has seen a surge in this all night food deliver sector. A recent entrant to this scene is the Foody Call. I came across them while I was just browsing...


Tangerine, Alwarpet - New Intros

Sizzlers in Chennai and Tangerine have become synonomous. If people ask for a good place to dine and have tasty sizzlers, only one suggestion comes to my mind and that is Tangerine. There used to be a point of time in during my undergrad days when I used to frequent Tangerine with friends. Then...


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